Supporting and Sustaining School Leaders

Mind Your Leaders
Governance Boards have a duty to ensure that they set a strategic vision for their school communities, that they hold leaders to account for turning that vision into reality, and that financial probity is at the heart of school leadership.  At Mind Your Head, we can provide support, challenge, advice and guidance for headteachers in meeting these expectations, as well as independent, external assurance for governors that these functions are being carried out.
Improvement Partnership During the Academic Year
Mind Your Head can provide any or all of the school improvement partner activities listed below according to the needs of Governors. We can further shape our offer to meet specific school needs.
Outcomes Evaluation
Early in the autumn term, we can help the Headteacher and Chair of Governors make sense of the range of outcomes data for the school. From exams to finances to personnel management to absence and behaviour data, we can help leaders identify priorities.
Mid-Year Team Review
In the spring term we can provide external assurance about effectiveness of the work of the leadership team in working towards school improvement priorities to support the headteacher's plans and the governing board's strategic vision for the school.
Vision Consultation
Setting the long-term vision of the school is the most important role of the  governing board.  We can work with governors, leaders, staff, students and families, identifying important community themes  to help the headteacher turn these into an inclusive school vision.
Headteacher Appraisal
Late in the autumn term, we can support governors in carrying out Headteacher Appraisal.  Meeting first with the Head to discuss progress towards objectives, improvement priorities and the overall vision, we can then support governors in making salary decisions.
Progress Review
Early in the summer term, we can support the headteacher in reviewing their team's progress towards the school improvement priorities and, in light of this information, provide a sounding board for their early thinking about the priorities for the following academic year.
Ofsted Preparation
At any point in the year, we can work with the headteacher to review their preparedness, and that of their team, to be able to give a good account of their work to the inspection service.  Drawing upon the inspection schedule, we can design activities according to need.